Antarmuka GUI MATLAB ini dapat dipakai untuk laboratorium sinyal bagi mahasiswa dan untuk menunjang penelitian bagi para peneliti. Anda bisa memesannya pada form pemesanan di bawah ini.
% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton1. function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton1 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) g=getimage(handles.axes1); citra_semula= getimage(handles.axes6); % B-Spline I 2x inputI = g; [r,c] = size(g); vert = 2; hor = 2; rn = floor(hor*r); cn = floor(vert*c); im_zoom = zeros(rn,cn); for i = 1:rn; x1 = cast(floor(i/hor),'uint32'); x2 = cast(ceil(i/hor),'uint32'); if x1 == 0 x1 = 1; end x = rem(i/hor,1); for j = 1:cn; y1 = cast(floor(j/vert),'uint32'); y2 = cast(ceil(j/vert),'uint32'); if y1 == 0 y1 = 1; end ctl = inputI(x1,y1); cbl = inputI(x2,y1); ctr = inputI(x1,y2); cbr = inputI(x2,y2); y = rem(j/vert,1); tr = (ctr*y)+(ctl*(1-y)); br = (cbr*y)+(cbl*(1-y)); im_zoom(i,j,:) = (br*x)+(tr*(1-x)); end end image_zoom = cast(im_zoom,'uint8'); error = citra_semula - (image_zoom); MSE2 = sum(sum(error .* error)) / (r * c); set(handles.edit5, 'String', num2str(MSE2)); % Pembesaran Bicubic 2x vert = 2; hor = 2; inputI = g; [r c] = size(inputI); rn = floor(hor*r); cn = floor(vert*c); %s = zoom; im_zoom = cast(zeros(rn,cn),'uint8'); im_pad = zeros(r+4,c+4); im_pad(2:r+1,2:c+1) = inputI; im_pad = cast(im_pad,'double'); for m = 1:rn x1 = ceil(m/hor); x2 = x1+1; x3 = x2+1; p = cast(x1,'uint16'); if(hor>1) m1 = ceil(hor*(x1-1)); m2 = ceil(hor*(x1)); m3 = ceil(hor*(x2)); m4 = ceil(hor*(x3)); else m1 = (hor*(x1-1)); m2 = (hor*(x1)); m3 = (hor*(x2)); m4 = (hor*(x3)); end X = [ (m-m2)*(m-m3)*(m-m4)/((m1-m2)*(m1-m3)*(m1-m4)) ... (m-m1)*(m-m3)*(m-m4)/((m2-m1)*(m2-m3)*(m2-m4)) ... (m-m1)*(m-m2)*(m-m4)/((m3-m1)*(m3-m2)*(m3-m4)) ... (m-m1)*(m-m2)*(m-m3)/((m4-m1)*(m4-m2)*(m4-m3))]; for n = 1:cn y1 = ceil(n/vert); y2 = y1+1; y3 = y2+1; if (vert>1) n1 = ceil(vert*(y1-1)); n2 = ceil(vert*(y1)); n3 = ceil(vert*(y2)); n4 = ceil(vert*(y3)); else n1 = (vert*(y1-1)); n2 = (vert*(y1)); n3 = (vert*(y2)); n4 = (vert*(y3)); end Y = [ (n-n2)*(n-n3)*(n-n4)/((n1-n2)*(n1-n3)*(n1-n4));... (n-n1)*(n-n3)*(n-n4)/((n2-n1)*(n2-n3)*(n2-n4));... (n-n1)*(n-n2)*(n-n4)/((n3-n1)*(n3-n2)*(n3-n4));... (n-n1)*(n-n2)*(n-n3)/((n4-n1)*(n4-n2)*(n4-n3))]; q = cast(y1,'uint16'); sample = im_pad(p:p+3,q:q+3,:); im_zoom(m,n,1) = X*sample(:,:,1)*Y; end end im_zoom = cast(im_zoom,'uint8'); error = citra_semula - (im_zoom); MSE3 = sum(sum(error .* error)) / (r * c); set(handles.edit9, 'String', num2str(MSE3)); % Pembesaran B-Spline II 2x zoom = 2; inputI = g; [r c] = size(inputI); img = cast(inputI,'double'); faktor = 1/zoom; x = 1:c; xx = 1:faktor:(c+1-faktor); for i = 1:r cs(i,:) = [spline(x,[0 img(i,:) 0],xx),img(i,end)]; end y = 1:r; yy = 1:faktor:(r+1-faktor); for i = 1:(zoom*c) us(:,i) = (spline(y,[0 cs(:,i)' 0],yy))'; end imZoom = cast(us,'uint8'); error = citra_semula - (imZoom); MSE4 = sum(sum(error .* error)) / (r * c); set(handles.edit13, 'String', num2str(MSE4)); figure, h1=subplot(2,3,1), imshow(citra_semula); title('Citra 512 x 512'); h2=subplot(2,3,2), imshow(g); title('Citra Uji 256 x 256'); h3=subplot(2,3,3), imshow(image_zoom); title('Pembesaran B-Spline I 2x'); h4=subplot(2,3,4), imshow(im_zoom); title('Pembesaran Bicubic 2x'); h5=subplot(2,3,5), imshow(imZoom); title('Pembesaran B-Spline II 2x'); linkaxes([h1,h2,h3,h4,h5])
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